What is the role of outsourced medical record review in medical malpractice cases for attorneys?

  • 09 Oct, 2024
What is the role of outsourced medical record review in medical malpractice cases for attorneys?

In the field of medical legal practice, the prime burden shouldered by the attorneys, is the task of effectively sifting through large volumes of medical information, while at the same time attempting to prosecute a case for the customer. Moving forward in 2024, the situation on the market for legal services provided in respect to medical malpractice cases continues to track with projections, as modernization is adding up with new technologies and strategies to help the legal practitioners. One such game changing approach is the outsourcing of medical record review services, which almost immediately became a hit among the legal practitioners.

This article discusses the definition of medical malpractice and describes the role of medical information in the legal process in case of malpractice and how attorneys in USA would benefit from medical record review services outsourcing. This article explains how and why outsourcing has emerged as the secret to the success of most winning medical malpractice attorneys.

Understanding Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice may also be defined as the departure from the standard practice of a healthcare provider which results to an injury to a patient. These cases are also very complicated since they involve a great deal of medical and legal knowledge. In the year 2024, the medicine field is further being transformed there are various new technologies and treatment methods which are being added on which will add to the medical malpractice lawsuits complexity.

Based on National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), the interval of 2022 saw approximately 12,414 medical malpractice lawsuits payouts in the United states with the average payout standing at $348,065. As we progress through the year 2024 and looking at the facts and trends towards such cases, it’s clear that these numbers are not expected to go down and this highlights the need for the attorneys to devise and implement the case management strategies which are efficient, effective and economical.

What's Needed to Establish Medical Malpractice

Lawyers aiming to win the case of medical malpractice should be able to prove four key issues:

1. Duty of Care: The healthcare provider had a professional duty to the patient.

2. Breach of Duty: The provider failed to meet the accepted standard of care.

3. Causation: The breach directly caused harm to the patient.

4. Damages: The patient suffered quantifiable harm as a result.

Proving these elements an analysis of medical records and expert evidence and other areas of concern as they relate to medical practice is necessary. For many of the lawyers, that challenge is the huge amount of medical law documents that are available and some of them are so complicated.

Medical Malpractice Cases – How Outsourcing Can Help

The demand for outsourcing medical record review services has proved to be a positive aspect for lawyers faced with medical malpractice challenges. The attorneys handling the cases are able to use the services of these medical record review firms, which helps them in preparing the case fast as they work out the defense.

Benefits of Outsourcing Medical Record Review

1. Expertise and Efficiency: Medical record review companies employ trained professionals who are well-versed in medical terminology and procedures. This expertise allows for faster and more accurate analysis of complex medical documents.

2. Cost-Effectiveness: By going the outsourcing way, Law Firms will not incur the costs of hiring permanent medical experts, thus avoiding a lot of fixed costs. According to the research done by National Law Review, outsourcing helps go down the operational costs towards the medical record reviewing, to about 50%, when compared with internal reviews.

3. Time-Saving: With dedicated teams focusing solely on record review, attorneys can save valuable time that can be better spent on case strategy and client interaction. In 2024, the average time saved per case through outsourcing is estimated to be around 30-40 hours.

4. Scalability: Outsourcing partners are capable of accommodating variations in volume of work, which means law practices will accept more work than they currently do without the need to have more employees.

5. Enhanced Case Strategy: Medical record summaries usually outsourced offer pertinent information that helps in reinforcing the case strategy since some issues may have been missed

Medical Malpractice – Frequent Types

It is vital for lawyers working on the medical negligence cases to know the most frequent types of medical malpractice. In 2024, the similar categories keep occurring within the sphere of medical malpractice:

1. Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis: representing approximately 33% of all medical malpractice claims, it remains the more prevalent in all .

2. Surgical Errors: These include wrong-site surgeries, unnecessary procedures, or leaving surgical instruments inside patients.

3. Medication Errors: Medication errors include wrong medications and overdosing problem where an estimated 7 million patients face each year in the US.

4. Birth Injuries: These include birth injuries in which some of the patient complications occur during the delivery process to either the mother or the child.

5. Anesthesia Errors: Putting in an excess amount of anesthetic or not administering enough, or neglecting the anesthetic monitoring of a patient during an operation.

6. Failure to Treat: Not providing appropriate treatment or releasing patients prematurely.

It is reasonable to demand, however, that each type of malpractice is tackled differently in the review of the medical records, to appreciate the usefulness of the outsourcing services.

Establishing Medical Malpractice: The Role of Medical Records in Malpractice Lawsuits

It generates no question that medical records are the heart of any case involving medical malpractice. They include information portraying the patient’s health status, treatments received, as well as the actions taken by healthcare personnel. However due to the growing use of electronic records more especially in the 2020s, the content and indeed the volume of the documentation has grown exponentially.

Key components of medical records crucial for malpractice cases include:

1. Patient history and physical examination notes

2. Diagnostic test results

3. Medication administration records

4. Nursing notes

5. Surgical reports

6. Consent forms

7. Discharge summaries

Such documentation must be precisely reviewed by attorneys for purposes of sourcing the basic level of care to be expected, establishing the metrics and the nature of the variations that existed from this level, and proving the link between these factors and the injury covered by the claim. This task takes considerable time and is also complex in terms of knowledge requiring a high amount of medical expertise and therefore is more suitable than other tasks for outsourcing.

Medical Malpractice Case Review: Challenges for a Medical Malpractice Claim

Reviewing medical records for malpractice cases presents several challenges:

1. Volume of Information: A single case can involve thousands of pages of medical records, making thorough review a daunting task.

2. Technical Complexity: Medical records often contain specialized terminology and abbreviations that require expert interpretation.

3. Inconsistencies and Gaps: Some records have missing data or contain information that contradicts other related records and this must be sorted out.

4. Time Constraints: When looking at tort cases, particularly medical malpractice, the window in which one must file may vary from state to state and hence causes rush among the lawyers in going through the records.

5. Evolving Standards of Care: With rapid advancements in medical technology, determining the applicable standard of care at the time of the incident can be challenging.

To enable this, we use outsourcing services to medical records review whereby we have availability of teams of professionals who will have extensive knowledge on handling medical records and pick out those that are key to the case.

How Can Legal Outsourcing Help Medical Malpractice Attorneys?

Over the past years, legal outsourcing in most especially focused on medical records review has many benefits to medical malpractice attorneys:

1. Comprehensive Case Analysis: Outsourcing partners provide detailed summaries and chronologies of medical records, highlighting key events and potential breaches in the standard of care.

2. Expert Insights: A significant number of outsourcing companies have adopted the practice of hiring medical staff which ensures that they address complex medical issues with ease.

3. Customized Reports: Attorneys can receive tailored reports focusing on specific aspects of the case, such as causation or damages.

4. Quality Control: Effective quality control management is known to be instituted by organizational outsourcing, which centers on maintaining accuracy and consistence within their readings.

5. Technology Integration: In this year 2024, the review of clinical records has gradually begun to incorporate more advanced tools of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which offer improved results over time.

6. Competitive Edge: By outsourcing, lawyers are able to save time and resources that can be utilized to manage client relationships and strategize their cases thus gaining an edge over the competition.

Medical Malpractice Case Studies: Outsourcing Success Stories

Case Study 1: Misdiagnosis of Stroke

Overview: A 45-year-old patient presented to the emergency room with symptoms of dizziness and slurred speech. The physician who was asked to attend, treated it as simple case of vertigo and sent the patient home. Two days after the patient's admission, a huge stroke rendered her permanently paralyzed.


· Voluminous medical records spanning multiple healthcare facilities

· Need to establish a clear timeline of events and identify missed diagnostic opportunities

· Time constraints due to approaching statute of limitations

Solution: Medical records collection for purposes of the legal case was sent to a document management company. The team that carried out medical record review was composed of qualified clinicians including nurses and doctors and within a week, managed to review more than 2000 pages of patients' case files. They were able to present a detailed timeline and major points at which it was possible that the care provided fell below acceptable levels.

Outcome: The outsourced review uncovered critical evidence that the patient's symptoms at the initial ER visit were consistent with a transient ischemic attack (TIA), a warning sign of an impending stroke. This information was instrumental in establishing that the ER physician failed to meet the standard of care by not ordering appropriate diagnostic tests. .

Case Study 2: Surgical Error in Orthopedic Procedure

Overview: A 60-year-old patient underwent knee replacement surgery. Post-operative, the patient experienced severe pain and limited mobility. It was later discovered that the wrong size implant had been used.


· Technical nature of orthopedic surgical records

· Need to determine if the error was due to negligence or a known complication

· Difficulty in quantifying long-term damages

Solution: The attorney engaged an outsourcing firm specializing in orthopedic case reviews. Preoperative imaging, surgical notes and postoperative records were reviewed by the review team inclusive of an orthopedic surgeon. They reported and detailed the variations between the plan and the executed surgery in the preoperative planning.

Outcome: The outsourced review revealed that the surgical team failed to verify the implant size before closing the surgical site, a clear deviation from standard protocols. This information was crucial in proving negligence. .


The year 2024 is forecast to present even more challenges especially in the area of medical malpractice litigation. It has been established that conducting proper and adequate medical record review is also time-saving and comprehensive. Supplying this service externally to professional companies specialized in medical record review provides attorneys with a great weapon towards enriching their case preparation, conserving time and resources and at the end of the day clients get better services.

By embracing outsourcing, attorneys can:

1. Access specialized medical expertise

2. Improve case efficiency and turnaround times

3. Uncover crucial evidence that might otherwise be missed

4. Focus on core legal strategy and client relationships

5. Handle a larger caseload without compromising quality

For the lawyers who wish to expand their practice in the field of medical malpractice, collaboration with a trusted medical records review company is a sure way to better manage their cases. As we slowly edge into the year 2024 and beyond, this strategy is likely to be more than just an option, but an option for most, if not all, competitive malpractice legal practices in the near future.


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